title: "Naive Bayes"
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr:: opts_chunk$ set (fig.align = TRUE )
library (tidyverse) # Load core packages:
# ggplot2, for data visualization.
# dplyr, for data manipulation.
# tidyr, for data tidying.
# purrr, for functional programming.
# tibble, for tibbles, a modern re-imagining of data frames.
# stringr, for strings.
# forcats, for factors.
# lubridate, for date/times.
# readr, for reading .csv, .tsv, and .fwf files.
# readxl, for reading .xls, and .xlxs files.
# feather, for sharing with Python and other languages.
# haven, for SPSS, SAS and Stata files.
# httr, for web apis.
# jsonlite for JSON.
# rvest, for web scraping.
# xml2, for XML.
# modelr, for modelling within a pipeline
# broom, for turning models into tidy data
# hms, for times.
library (magrittr) # Pipeline operator
library (lobstr) # Visualizing abstract syntax trees, stack trees, and object sizes
library (pander) # Exporting/converting complex pandoc documents, EX: df to Pandoc table
library (ggforce) # More plot functions on top of ggplot2
library (ggpubr) # Automatically add p-values and significance levels plots.
# Arrange and annotate multiple plots on the same page.
# Change graphical parameters such as colors and labels.
library (sf) # Geo-spatial vector manipulation: points, lines, polygons
library (kableExtra) # Generate 90 % of complex/advanced/self-customized/beautiful tables
library (cowplot) # Multiple plots arrangement
library (gridExtra) # Multiple plots arrangement
library (animation) # Animated figure container
library (latex2exp) # Latex axis titles in ggplot2
library (ellipse) # Simultaneous confidence interval region to check C.I. of 2 slope parameters
library (plotly) # User interactive plots
library (ellipse) # Simultaneous confidence interval region to check C.I. of 2 regressors
library (olsrr) # Model selections
library (leaps) # Regression subsetting
library (pls) # Partial Least squares
library (MASS) # LDA, QDA, OLS, Ridge Regression, Box-Cox, stepAIC, etc,.
library (e1071) # Naive Bayesian Classfier,SVM, GKNN, ICA, LCA
library (class) # KNN, SOM, LVQ
library (ROCR) # Precision/Recall/Sensitivity/Specificity performance plot
library (boot) # LOOCV, Bootstrap,
library (caret) # Classification/Regression Training, run ?caret::trainControl
library (corrgram) # for correlation matrix
library (corrplot) # for graphical display of correlation matrix
set.seed (1234 ) # make random results reproducible
current_dir <- getwd ()
if (! is.null (current_dir)) {
setwd (current_dir)
remove (current_dir)
## Model Construction
```{r nb.model_savings, eval=FALSE}
#----Naive Bayes-----#
set.seed (1234 )
train_control <- trainControl (method = "cv" , number = 10 )
set.seed (1234 )
nb_model <- train (good ~ .,
data = train,
method = "naive_bayes" ,
trControl = train_control)
save (nb_model, file = "dataset \\ model \\ nb.model_kfoldCV.Rdata" )
## K-fold CV
```{r nb.kfoldCV, fig.show='hide'}
# Data Import
load ("dataset \\ wine.data_cleaned.Rdata" )
load ("dataset \\ train.Rdata" )
load ("dataset \\ test.Rdata" )
# Function Import
load ("dataset \\ function \\ accu.kappa.plot.Rdata" )
# Model import
load ("dataset \\ model \\ nb.model_kfoldCV.Rdata" )
nb.predictions <- predict (nb_model, newdata = test)
confusionMatrix (nb.predictions, test$ good)
nb.predictions <- as.numeric (nb.predictions)
pred_obj <- prediction (nb.predictions, test$ good)
auc_val <- performance (pred_obj, "auc" )@ y.values[[1 ]]
roc_obj <- performance (pred_obj, "tpr" , "fpr" )
plot (roc_obj, colorize = TRUE , lwd = 2 ,
xlab = "False Positive Rate" ,
ylab = "True Positive Rate" ,
main = "Naive Bayes (10-fold CV)" )
abline (a = 0 , b = 1 )
x_values <- as.numeric (unlist (roc_obj@ x.values))
y_values <- as.numeric (unlist (roc_obj@ y.values))
polygon (x = x_values, y = y_values,
col = rgb (0.3803922 , 0.6862745 , 0.9372549 , alpha = 0.3 ),
border = NA )
polygon (x = c (0 , 1 , 1 ), y = c (0 , 0 , 1 ),
col = rgb (0.3803922 , 0.6862745 , 0.9372549 , alpha = 0.3 ),
border = NA )
text (0.6 , 0.4 , paste ("AUC =" , round (auc_val, 4 )))
nb.kfoldCV.ROC.plot <- recordPlot ()
pander:: pander (nb_model$ results)
## Summary
```{r fig.width=5, fig.height=5}
cowplot:: plot_grid (nb.kfoldCV.ROC.plot)
| Model | Error Rate | Sensitivity | Specificity | AUC |
| ------------------ | ---------- | ----------- | ----------- | --------- |
| Naive Bayes | 0.2466 | 0.7829 | 0.6360 | 0.7094563 |
```{r, echo=FALSE}
save (nb.kfoldCV.ROC.plot, file = "dataset \\ plot \\ nb.kfoldCV.ROC.plot.Rdata" )